Friday 21 November 2014


Grade 9 and 4th Year students:

Kindly refer to the To-Do-List below to complete the set of tests you must take/have in MAPEH:

1. You are to create a SLIDESHOW of your pictures from birth/childhood to your current state, adolescence/adulthood.

2. It should at least be a 2 - 5 minute presentation.

3. Your slideshow must have these:
                         A. Pictures
                         B. Musics
                         C. Words/Sentences
                         D. Effects/Animation

4. The deadline of this is on November 29, 2014. Upload it on your facebook account then TAG it to me for checking. Click the link and be directed to my facebook account

NOTE: Failure tagging it to me on time means disregarding your scores.

Good day and enjoy doing it!

It's me HECTOR! :D